Proposals 1 and 2

New Space

Having the chance to choose a new space with a new group was both parts freeing and a challenge because we somewhat knew what to expect but also weren’t sure what twist would be added. After consolidation and careful thought of other spaces, our group decided to choose the base floor of Harder Hall, the location of about 90% of all the sophomore, Junior and Senior spaces.

My first possible proposal of something to do in the space would be to get awkwardly close to someone and observe as they worked, without saying anything, only moving when they say something to you.

This would allow us to see the interaction between working student and completely random observer and generally judge the type of person we are observing.

My second proposal is to walk in and exist in a space and see how long it takes for the daily flow to be interrupted by your relationship in the space.

Giving us a chance to gain knowledge of how other individuals act in the space and pay attention in the space we could also see how apt people re to mention something to us.


To view other proposals please see my group mates work:




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